Saturday, November 7, 2009

Facebook, check. Twitter, check. Blogspot, here we go....

So Jonathan has mastered Facebook...and we're on our way to Twitterland, but for those of you that aren't so connected to the "I want to know what you're doing every second" world, we have made a blog.  We hope to share the trials and tribulations as we move forward in creating our own farm business.  We'll keep you posted on products we hope to have available soon -- raw milk, grass-fed beef and a boatload of savory garden products!

Jonathan will be trekking the cows from Fairfield to Tunbridge tomorrow as we wait to see if the Washington house/barn becomes a lease to own reality.  Cross them fingers.....



  1. The road from then to now constitutes its own novel. The characters that grace the story are as rich in flavor as the fresh picked produce and slow cooked rib roast. The places that occupy space on the road from then to now went through a process of envisioning, living, dying and rebirth. Each place had its own set of dreams and grand visions. Much like blank canvases or lumps of clay and an artist brain that wishes to sculpt, paint and mold his or her ideas; only this was land and communities, life and living that were the ideas, and plants animals and trees that were the medium. The road from then till now deserves a lot of thought reflection, and each of its stories to be told and shared. Now there is a space to do it. I hope all who have watch and listened will now enjoy the reading
