Thursday, November 19, 2009

The News From Symphony Farm

Its November 19th, 2009 and the cows have been in Tunbridge, about a week and a half. A good feeling. The commute back and forth is pretty mellow, and I enjoy it. Meg and I have been car pooling. We are putting our best efforts forward in a temporary situation to make top quality milk, and operate with in the guide lines of the Unpasteurized(Raw)Milk Law. We have been able to get a vacuum and bucket milking system up and running. I just filtered milk through one of the old style calendar filter set ups this 'morning. It worked really well. I found a supply of half gallon ball jars. Meg has gone and laminated our label. I have looked into getting a test of our milk to determine its quality. 
Just last week we welcomed Ben on board.  Super good guy who has been able to pick up the milking skill in a short period of time. We are going to go away for the weekend, and there is somebody who is going to fill in. As those of you who have been familiar with previous states of the farm, this is huge! From the get go we have a relief milker. 
I made the paper and it wasn't for the police reports! It was for getting involved with the after school program pottery. So that coming up in the future. 
The cows are just fine. Siobhan and Trasa are doing well and growing well. The barn cleaner runs like a champ. Why people use liquid systems I do not know. 
For the most part, other than a few freak outs here and there, and a few trips to Covi land and back, things are well.
Thats the news from Symphony Farm, where all the women are beautiful, the men are emotionally stable, and the children have yet to be born

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